How To: Tie the buntline hitch boating knot

Tie the buntline hitch boating knot

Use this knot (buntline hitch boating knot) to fasten items such as snaps and rings to rope or cord. It forms a small, neat and very reliable boating knot. Not to be used however, for tying into a climbing rope. Watch this boating knot tying video tutorial for helpful tips. Pass the end of the rope through the shackle, then back up across the standing part. Make a turn around the standing line, forming a loop with the shackle at the base of the loop. Bring the free end across tops of both parts of the loop. Make a turn around the standing part of the loop, making sure free end exits between itself and the standing part of the loop. Pull the boating buntline hitch knot tight down onto the shackle.

Tie the buntline hitch boating knot

Tie the buntline hitch boating knot Click through to watch this video on

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