In this video we look at the top 10 fastest boats ever made. From submarines that can go over 50 MPH to yachts that can go 70 knots, there are some super fast boats out there.
Forum Thread: Top 10 Fastest Boats Ever Made
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How To: Tie a Japanese knot or Square knot
How To: Tie off a suspension ring with a basic knot
How To: Properly tie and anchor your boat
How To: Tie a Heaving Line knot / Franciscan Monks' knot
How To: Tie a Whipping knot
How To: Tie a Turk's Head knot - on a cylinder and spherical
How To: Tie a Tom Fool's Knot
How To: Tie the quick release knot
How To: Winterize your boat
How To: Winterize your boat and prepare it for Winter
How To: Winterize the sterdrive unit on your boat
How To: Properly tie a strong nonbinding bowline knot
How To: Set up the mast on the Open 570 single-handedly
How To: Tie a great sailor's chain (sea chain) knot
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How To: Tie an Alpine Coil knot
How To: TIe a decorative noose
How To: Tie the basic knot design of a cargo net
How To: Use marine VHF radio
How To: Winterizing your boat engine block
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